Historical Notes for Memorial
The vote to organize a new church of the Baptist
faith, to serve the northeast section of our city was taken
in June, 1944. The seventy-five people who signed a statement
declaring their intention to cooperated and become a part
of the new church were an enthusiastic dedicated group.
For the first few weeks the new church group
met in homes for a sunday evening worship service and discussion
group. There were rich experiences as they prayed and planned
together. A store building on the corner of Kentucky and Tennessee
Avenues was rented, completely redecorated, and made into
a chapel. Here the first Sunday worhsip and church school
were held on July 16th.
The joys of public worship were never sweeter
than those experienced in this store front chapel. The depth
of experience which came with the first communion service,
held the first Sunday in October, will never be forgotten.
Not even the improvised communion service, including paper
cups, could spoil the effect. In this building the annual
Maundy Thursday communion was established.
Of more importance from an historical viewpoin
is the work of the location committee which brought the recommendation
to the church on August 16th that we purchase our present
site. The committee members had used up much of their precious
rationed gasoline in making a thorough survey and on August
30th the land was purchased. To record that this site was
completely paid for in six month's time shows the spirit of
the original group of members.
On September 28th, 1944 the Fort Wayne Baptist
Association voted to accept the new church into its fellowship,
and on October 11th the church became incorporated with the
State of Indiana as The Memorial Baptist Church.
The church was indeed fortunate to have Dr.
T.J. Parson, editor of the Indian Baptist Observer, serve
as organizing pastor, until Rev. A.J. Esperson began his pastorate
July 1st, 1945. Under the leadership of Rev. Esperson, the
climax of the summer's activities came with ground breaking
for the basement part of our building in September. This was
a spiritual triumph for the group, which fifteen months earlier
had met in a home and determined to build a Temple unto their
God. On April 28th, 1946 we moved into our new church home.
Rev. Donald W. Lane began his pastorate July
1st, 1951 and under his leadership the church was moved forward
and the Sanctuary unit of our building was completed.
On Sunday, October 26th, 1958, Rev. M. Richard
Mitchell began his ministry at Memorial Baptist Church. Under
his guidance, the Education Wing was completed and Dedicated
in 1966. The first ringing of the Tower Carillon was heard
by the community in June, 1972. The membership doubled and
the giving tripled before his leaving on July 31, 1972.
From 1972-1973, Dr. E. C. Gordon ably served
Memomorial as its Interim Pastor.
In 1973, the Rev. Charles W. Simons, Jr. was
called to Pastor the church. He served in this capacity for
18 months.
From 1975-1979, the Rev. Arthur G. Daniel served
as Pastor. Under his leadership, the Sanctuary was air conditioned
and the parking lot was paved.
In October 1979, Dr. William A. Deans was called
to Pastor the church. Under his direction, the Consitution
was revised and Boards re-defined their responsiblities.
On June 19, 1988, Mr. I.E. "Ted" Ross
retired as Director of the Chancel Choir after 38 years of
faithful, dedicated service.
Following the November 1992 resignation of Dr.
Deans, the church made their long awaited final payment on
the mortgage on January 1, 1993. Also in January 1993, Rev.
Francis Frellick was called to serve as Interim Pastor.
Rev. Randy Creath served as the seventh Pastor
of Memorial from 1994-1998.
On April 11,1999, Mr. David A. Mitchell was
called to serve as Pastor. In November 2000, the Sanctuary
window panels and Ten Commandments plaque were installed and
dedicated. On June 9, 2002, the church ordained Rev. Mitchell;
the first such ordination to be converred by the church in
its' 58 year history.
God has not yet begun to complete the good things
which he began in us. The Holy Spirit's renewal and refreshening
of our spirits causes the future of Memorial Baptist Chruch
to be as bright as the promises of God. The coming years of
history for Memorial remain for us as a people to write, to
experience and to live !